Wow! I'm so excited that I can't stand myself! I have been toying around with this idea and wanting to do it for quiet sometime now. The time is almost here! Well, what is it??
You'll just have to wait....
Just kidding. Well, you will have to wait a little bit longer, but not much.... The surprise is coming soon.
Okay, I have to tell you a little bit, because I VERY MUCH want you to be a part of it, but if I tell too much it will ruin it...
I'm moving... No, not physically, blogospherically. The new blog will be appearing shortly.... A few words to describe it: new, better, relaxing, welcoming..... Sound like a place you would like to hang out? That was my intent....
Stay tuned....
Until then....Thought for the day...What are you doing today to live out your priorities?
Have you ever moved your blog? What expereinces have you had? Tell all - the good, the bad and the ugly.
Hi Jennifer,
How exciting, and maybe a little scary too.
Fortunately I haven't had to move my blog, and really hope I won't ever have to. I would be so scared that I would lose my posts, or worse yet, my comments.
Happy Moving Day!!!!
I'll be back to see your new "home"
Hi Barbara,
Scarey? No not really. I've already tested everything out to make sure all the old post will transfer. There should not be any problems there. We'll just work through anything that comes up.
Have a super weekend!
Hi Jennifer
I look forward to your news of the transfer. I have started with a free blog with plans to migrate later. Based on some other bloggers experience with this, I chose Wordpress but Blogger has also been adding flexibility here too.
@ Davidya, I look forward to informing you of the new blog. Starting off with a free blog was good, easy and a great way to figure out what I was doing before going knee deep.
Hi Jennifer,
The suspense is killing me. How much longer do we need to wait?
I'm about to make the announcement..... today...... Stay tuned.... Did the wait add to the excitement? It actually just took longer than I anticipated.
I'll post something here to let you know of the new location....
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